Bike Shop Sponsor Benefits:
- 6x6 booth space at BTWD hub at Delta Gardens.
- An Energy Pit Stop along Calgary’s pathways*.
- Radio and/or Social Media exposure through the bike giveaway contest.
- Year-round recognition as a bicycle retailer sponsor.
- Recognition on all print marketing materials.
- Reposting of content from your page to our social media accounts including your promotions and events.
- 3 pre-event social media posts linked to your business.
- 2 post-event social media posts linked to your business.
- Inclusion in the pre-event media announcement and media coverage following the event.
- Corporate logo featured on the BTWD website.
- Inclusion of your logo in our post-event thank you newsletter.
- Cross-promotional logo for use on your website and other marketing materials as BTWD sponsor.
* This is subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed at this time. All sponsorships are filled on a first come, first serves basis.
Bike Shop Sponsors Agree to Provide:
One bike donation*
- Host one (1) Energy Pit Stop Station along Calgary's pathways
- A bike mechanic at your energy pit stop location and/or booth
- Whatever you need to make your Energy Pit Stop stand out! (Swag, coupons, etc.)
- A water jug/container to fill cyclist's reusable water bottles
- Host a booth at BTWD Hub at Delta Gardens
* All donated bikes will be given away through social media contests, or as participant prizes on Bike to Work Day, ensuring public recognition of your business’ support.
Opportunities for Sponsors
- Inclusion of your logo in our post-event thank you newsletter.
- Corporate logo featured on the BTWD website.
- You will be featured in at least one pre-event and at least one post-event social media post.
- Cross-promotional logo for use on your website and other marketing materials as BTWD sponsor.
As a Sponsor,
You Agree to Provide:
- A prize pack to be given away at BTWD (gift card, athletic wear, bicycle accessories etc.)
Bike to Work Day can only achieve its goals with the assistance of the generous donations and sponsorship we receive from members of our community. Without this support, our event would not be possible. We have 3 levels of Bike Shop Sponsorship Packages to choose from, and we are accepting donations of cash and other goods to be given away at Bike to Work Day. Charitable donations reciepts will be given for all cash donations.
Bike to Work Day brings Calgary together as a community to promote cycling as a healthy, convenient, efficient, low-cost and socially responsible means of transportation. Contributing to BTWD is a great way to let Calgarians know that your business supports health, wellness, and community as well. As a donor your company’s logo would be displayed on our website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. You may also contact me, if you wish to have a complimentary booth at Eau Claire the day of the event to promote your business.
Other ways to get involved:
Make a cash donation.
Donate products or services to be given away at Bike to Work Day raffles and contests.
We are accepting cash donations and sponsors for our event. We love to work with companies who support our cause with a passion for community involvement. Including cycling, healthy exercise, and the environment, not to mention those who dislike rush-hour traffic! If you would like to be a sponsor, get involved and benefit from our BTWD 2024 event, please contact us:
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Additional Sponsorship