Balbi & Company Legal Centre | Family Law

 1501 Macleod Trail SE

Calgary AB T2G 2N6

(403) 269-7300




Bike Shop Vendors


We are so grateful for our volunteers. If you would like to volunteer for Bike to Work Day, please fill out the volunteer

registration form.

Click the button below.


“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart”.

-Elizabeth Andrew



Bike to Work Day can only achieve its goals with generous donations we receive from members of our community. Without this support, our event would not be possible. Please contact us if you would like to donate.  


"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give".


Bike Shops are our valued partners!

Please contact us about hosting an energy pit stop location, and/or a location at Delta Gardens. 

Contact the Event Coordinator for more info:


Tanya Wiebe

(403) 269-7300 Ext 108